During the start of the global pandemic, people start to worry about their lives, as well as the other aspects of the world that involve the economy, education system, and the livelihood of many. It’s been a lot of years since the whole world was shaken by a new public health crisis that causes lives and businesses to fall. Even health professionals consider COVID-19 as the most challenging pandemic in this century.

Everyone is affected so it is devastating to know that up until today the fatality rate of COVID-19 is still increasing for some countries. People with existing medical conditions and weak immune systems are more prone to the said COVID-19 virus. So, when they are not attended to right away, they become severely ill and eventually die.
Is There a Vaccine for COVID-19?
Yes. After battling for a year and undergoing several tests or clinical trials, there is not just one COVID-19 vaccine available today but over 200 in various stages of development already. Three of which are AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Pfizer that are the leading covid-19 vaccines when it comes to efficacy as of the present moment.
Why Do You Need a COVID-19 Vaccine?
The role of the COVID-19 vaccine is to protect yourself against the said coronavirus. So, whenever you make contact with a virus carrier or other infected things, you will not acquire the virus and get sick. In this way, the COVID-19 vaccine will also stop the spread of the virus if all people including the children are vaccinated against the infection.

Who Should Take the Vaccine?
Everyone should take the COVID-19 vaccine because the virus doesn’t have specific targets. However, due to the risks that health professionals and workers are facing every day to cater to the infected patients, they are the top priority of every government agency to get vaccinated. In this way, they will be able to help the COVID-19 patients without the risk of getting infected while working.
Older people that are 60 years old and above, as well as the ones with medical health problems, are also next to the priority lane of vaccination since they have a weaker immune system than other people.
What Is the Most Effective COVID-19 Vaccine?
A lot of people have different claims about the COVID-19 vaccine that they start to bet on its effectiveness according to the brand behind it. Although this factor is essential in finding the most effective vaccine, there are still a lot of things to consider such as side effects and success rate of each vaccine for every country. Once the things mentioned are checked, only then you can conclude the best one to use for yourself and your family.
Oxford AstraZeneca Vaccine
One of the most talked-about COVID-19 vaccines is the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine. It is still in phase three of clinical tests so there are three trials that it needs to undergo but a lot of countries are already aiming and purchasing the vaccine. This is because the vaccine is developed by a well-known and top university from the UK, which is Oxford, led by Sarah Gilbert and the vaccine group.

What Countries Use AstraZeneca Vaccine?
Oxford AstraZeneca vaccines are widely used in India to vaccinate the entire country. Moreover, the small country of Australia with fewer COVID-19 cases has already acquired 50 million doses of Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine for the whole population to be vaccinated. During its first release, a lot of European countries like Spain, Germany, and Italy purchased the vaccine but eventually stopped its use for the vaccination program.
AstraZeneca Side Effects
The same with other types of medicines, Oxford AstraZeneca comes with side effects too. The COVID-19 vaccine side effects some people have experienced are the reason why most European countries mentioned above stopped the use of the said vaccine. It turns out that the side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine include blood clots after getting their first shot.

People feared that if they did not catch the virus, they would unluckily die because of blood clots. Most especially when the blood clot is immobile and it starts to travel to your body organs, it will hinder the amount of blood flow that helps regenerate your system. Good thing the number of vaccinated people that have experienced blood clots after getting a shot has decreased since the start of March. This case is still under investigation by WHO.
Recommended Dosage of Oxford AstraZeneca Vaccine
A person that needs to be vaccinated must get two doses (0.5ml each) of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine with periods between 8 to 12 weeks. The interval time is meant to check if the first dose will result in any COVID-19 vaccine side effects that may harm the person involved. If none at all, the person can receive a second dose of the said vaccine.
Success Rate of AstraZeneca
The success rate of Oxford AstraZeneca is 63% proven effective type of vaccine to fight the coronavirus. Its success rate was affected by the side effects experienced by the people getting the first shot of the vaccine.
Pfizer Vaccine
The most well-known COVID-19 vaccine among all is Pfizer. It is the first vaccine approved to be used by a stringent regulatory authority. Israel, which is famous for its comprehensive health system was able to collaborate with Pfizer to produce an effective vaccine in just a short span of time. The role of the Israeli government with this agreement is to provide Pfizer vaccine data and demographics that will help them in making the vaccine.

The reason why Israel supported the said campaign is to be able to secure enough doses of vaccine for the whole countrymen during the spread of the said virus worldwide. It was a big and bold strategic move to ensure the immunization of everyone once the vaccine is approved for use.
What Countries Use Pfizer Vaccine?
Since Israel supported this campaign, they are also the first country to receive vaccination doses for over half the total of their population. Followed by different countries from the US and the UK, as well as some countries in Europe and Asia like Japan and Singapore. Pfizer vaccine data even receive advance purchases amounting to billions of dollars, which means that there are still a lot of countries that are eyeing to use the said vaccine.
Pfizer Side Effects
Unlike AstraZeneca, Moderna, and other COVID-19 vaccines that have serious side effects on health, people getting a dose of Pfizer only experience fatigue and headache that won’t last long. There may be reports received by Pfizer vaccine data where some people had experienced allergic reactions but it’s rare and only limited to people with allergies triggered by the ingredients used. Thus, making it safer to use than other COVID-19 vaccines.

The side effects of the Pfizer COVID vaccine are the reason why a lot of world leaders are more hooked to get them for their countrymen. They wanted to use a vaccine that will not risk the health of the public, or something that may create minor health concerns that are not as serious as blood clots and other bad side effects. Pfizer vaccine data comes with a license and approval from the World Health Organization, which has undergone a series of clinical tests to ensure maximum vaccine effectiveness.
Recommended Dosage of Pfizer Vaccine
The Pfizer COVID vaccine is given through two doses of intramuscular injection. The interval time for each dose is 21 days. It is not advisable that a person will only receive the first dose because Pfizer vaccine efficacy can only be achieved with two doses. The only problem with the Pfizer COVID vaccine is the shipment since it has to be stored in extremely low temperatures
places so the courier has to ensure it’s safely traveled and distributed to each country.
Success Rate of Pfizer Vaccine
Pfizer vaccine efficacy is around 95% or almost perfect not just for people who are infected with the virus but also for all ages, gender, race, or whatever ethnicity a person has. So, its effectiveness is not only limited to a few people but to everyone who had taken the vaccine. Pfizer vaccine efficacy is not just calculated during the first dose but also for the second dose with mild to moderate side effects mentioned above, some people have experienced none at all. The complete details of Pfizer vaccine data can be found here.
Moderna Vaccine
Last on the list is the vaccine Moderna manufactured by ModernaTX, Inc. It is one of the few vaccines first approved by the US, but it is only after the release of Pfizer since that vaccine comes first among all. This type of vaccine helps fight the coronavirus because it makes the protein in the body that will serve as the immune system response when the virus enters the body system.

Just like how Pfizer asked for a helping hand in developing a vaccine through Israel, vaccine Moderna also collaborated with the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA). After spending $483 million for their first dose, they have to be partnered with Swiss vaccine manufacturer Lonza Group for the second phase.
What Countries Use Moderna Vaccine?
Since its first release in 2020, Singapore is the first country in Asia that acquired the vaccine Moderna, with its price and number of stocks garnered kept anonymously. It was in June 2020 that the number of COVID-19 patients was rising so it is no doubt why Singapore did everything to secure their slots for the vaccine Moderna. After Singapore, some countries in the United States and Europe started their bid to purchase vaccine Moderna.
Moderna Side Effects
Some people who have taken the vaccine have experienced different side effects that are moderate but not as mild as the Pfizer vaccine. According to the CDC, when getting vaccinated one must expect tiredness, headache, muscle pain, nausea, chills, and even fever a day or two after the vaccination. All the things mentioned above are experienced by some people from different countries after getting vaccinated with Moderna.

For some with an allergic reaction to the given dose, they have to be admitted to the hospital and get the treatment that they will need. But there is nothing to worry about because all these side effects will go away after a few days or a week.
Recommended Dosage of Moderna Vaccine
The recommended dosage of vaccine Moderna is 2 doses with an interval of 1 month or 28 days. It is taken through an injection in the upper arm so you should expect numbness in that area after getting the vaccine. The time interval between vaccine shots is intended to get the immune response fully active before getting the second dose.
Success Rate of Moderna Vaccine
Getting two doses of vaccine Moderna is very important because research shows that for the first shot, a person can only get 80.2% efficacy of the said vaccine. It is only after the second dose of vaccination that the person will be 94.1% protected against the coronavirus. Vaccine Moderna has been proven effective for different types of ethnic or racial groups, it doesn’t matter if they belong to a few numbers with high-risk conditions.
What Is the Most Effective COVID-19 Vaccine?
Since we have already discussed the top 3 COVID-19 vaccines of all-time, it is time to give our final verdict about which one is the best vaccine to use among all. Let us scrutinize the details and the specific types of vaccines with features that stand out among all.
Shipping Requirements
Before a country acquires a vaccine, they need to make sure that they can handle the shipping requirements meant for their chosen vaccine. It is evident that both Moderna and AstraZeneca can be stored in a refrigerator during shipment or while not in use. Whereas, the Pfizer vaccine is more complicated to ship because it needs to be placed in very cold freezers that even a regular temperature of a refrigerator can not keep up.
Winners: Moderna & AstraZeneca
Side Effects Comparison
The best vaccine will keep the people protected from anything, not just from the virus but also the effects it does to the body after the vaccination. Apparently, it is the Pfizer vaccine that showed only a small number of side effects that are mild to moderate, involving headache and fatigue only. These side effects are bearable, so no one has to go to the hospital and get treatment. Unlike AstraZeneca and Moderna that need proper care and attention because the side effects are somehow life-threatening.
Winner: Pfizer Vaccine
Efficacy Rate Comparison
If we talk about the effectiveness of the said vaccines, the only vaccines to be compared are Pfizer and Moderna, since AstraZeneca only has a success rate of 63%. It is only 0.9% that is being tracked here but that 95% of Pfizer is way better than 94.1% of Moderna. The reason is that with just the first dose of Pfizer, it is no doubt that the efficacy is already 95%, quite close to perfection. Unlike Moderna where the success rate is 80.2% for the first shot and then the added percentage is only after the second shot.
Winner: Pfizer Vaccine
Data Evaluation from Different Countries
Out of all the countries that obtained different vaccines, it is Israel, Japan, and other countries from the UK that acquired the Pfizer vaccine that has already recovered from the global pandemic since last year. Their economies are back on track as well as the usual routine they were used to before like face-to-face classes are running smoothly now but of course, with few restrictions.
Winner: Pfizer Vaccine


Pfizer Is the Most Effective COVID-19 Vaccine
The results show that Pfizer has advantages over AstraZeneca and Moderna. Although there are still a lot of things to consider because some things are still under observation and yet-to-be-determined, as of now, Pfizer is the safest and most reliable vaccine to stay immune to the coronavirus during the global pandemic.
Disclaimer: The verdict we made is only based on different data and information collected from various health organizations including CDC and WHO.
We strongly recommend that this article will only serve as a guide. It’s better to speak with qualified professionals before making any vaccination decisions.