What You Should Know About Lingual Retainers
Oral Health Blog

What You Should Know About Lingual Retainers


Lingual retainers, known for their discreet nature, are a unique orthodontic solution designed to maintain the alignment of teeth after braces. Unlike conventional braces, which are attached to the front of teeth, lingual retainers are placed behind them, making them virtually invisible. While they offer several advantages, lingual retainers also come with their share of challenges and problems. In this article, we will delve into these issues to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of lingual retainer concerns.

1. Speech Adjustments

One of the common problems associated with lingual retainers is speech adjustments. The presence of the retainer behind the teeth can temporarily affect the natural movements of the tongue during speech, leading to speech difficulties like lisping or mispronunciation. However, most individuals adapt to these changes over time, and speech issues tend to improve.

2. Oral Hygiene Challenges

Maintaining proper oral hygiene can be more challenging with lingual retainers. Food particles and plaque may accumulate between the retainer and the back of the teeth, increasing the risk of dental problems such as cavities and gum issues. Regular flossing and the use of floss threaders or interdental brushes can help mitigate this problem.

3. Initial Discomfort

Lingual retainers can cause initial discomfort and irritation, particularly while speaking or eating. However, this discomfort typically lessens as the tongue adjusts to the retainer's presence. In case of persistent irritation, it is advisable to consult your orthodontist, who can make necessary adjustments to enhance comfort.

4. Maintenance and Repairs

Lingual retainers are secured to the teeth using a specialized dental adhesive. Although this bonding is strong, it is not indestructible. Occasionally, lingual retainers may become loose or detach, requiring prompt attention from your orthodontist for repairs. Regular check-ups are essential to detect and address issues early.

5. Limited Effectiveness for Lower Front Teeth

While lingual retainers are highly effective at maintaining the alignment of upper front teeth, they may have limitations when it comes to the lower front teeth. If you have concerns about the alignment of your lower teeth, your orthodontist might recommend alternative retention methods, such as removable retainers or clear aligners.

6. Long-Term Commitment

Lingual retainers are intended for long-term use, potentially spanning several years to ensure your teeth remain properly aligned. Some individuals may find this extended commitment challenging, particularly if they prefer to go completely retainer-free after orthodontic treatment.


Lingual retainers offer a discreet option for preserving the alignment of your teeth without the conspicuousness of traditional removable retainers. However, it is essential to acknowledge the potential challenges that come with them, including speech adjustments, oral hygiene hurdles, initial discomfort, maintenance and repair needs, limitations for lower front teeth, and the long-term commitment required.

Are you currently using or thinking about using retainer cleaning tablets? It's important to be aware that certain cleaner brands have the potential to cause toxic reactions.

It's crucial to be aware of harmful ingredients hiding in common cleaner brands. One such persulfate, which can pose SERIOUS health risks and is found in almost all leading retainer cleaners brands. Moreover, persulfate's health risks potentially impact respiratory health and skin sensitivities in your family, especially in teens and sensitive individuals. Learn more about the risk of persulfate HERE. 


The content in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider before making any changes to your health regimen. The author and publisher do not take responsibility for any consequences resulting from the information provided in this article.