How to Stop Tooth Pain Fast?
Oral Health Blog

How to Stop Tooth Pain Fast?


Tooth pain can be one of the most frustrating experiences a person can have. It can make eating and drinking difficult and can lead to other problems such as headaches and sleeplessness. In this article, we will talk about some of the ways you can stop tooth pain fast.

What Causes Tooth Pain?

There are many possible reasons why someone might experience tooth pain. The following are some of the most common causes:

Tooth decay

Tooth decay is a process that causes your teeth to become weak and brittle. This can lead to tooth pain, which can be caused by exposure to food or drink that contains sugar, acids, or bacteria.

A fracture or displacement of one or more teeth

This can happen when you fall asleep with your teeth in the wrong position, when you bite down on something hard and crack one or more teeth, or when a tooth is infected. 

Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums)

Tooth pain can be caused by gingivitis, a bacterial infection of the gums. The bacteria cause inflammation and redness around the teeth. This can make it hard to chew and chew properly.

TMJ disorder (temporomandibular joint disorder)

Tooth pain can be caused by many things, but the most common cause is TMJ disorder. This condition is when the joint between the jawbone and skull is out of alignment. This can cause severe tooth pain and difficulty swallowing.

The Different Types of Tooth Pain

Tooth pain can be caused by anything from a cavity to a broken tooth. The different types of the tooth pain will require different treatments, so it’s always best to consult a dentist if you’re experiencing any type of pain. Here are four of the most common types of tooth pain:

Acute dental pain

This is the most common type of tooth pain, and typically refers to pain that comes on suddenly and lasts for less than one week. Treatment for acute dental pain may include over-the-counter painkillers or ibuprofen, rest, and drinking lots of fluids.

Chronic dental pain 

This type of tooth pain lasts longer than one week and typically affects more than half of the people who experience it. It can be caused by a number of factors, including teeth grinding, tooth decay, or problems with the jawbone. Treatment for chronic dental pain may include antibiotics to treat the infection underlying the cause of the pain, dentist visits every six months to check for ongoing problems and oral medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

Recurrent acute dental pain

This type of tooth pain occurs multiple times within a 12-month period. Recurrent acute dental pain is the most common type and it is caused by a problem with the teeth or their surrounding tissues.

How to Treat Tooth Pain Fast

If you’re experiencing tooth pain, there are a few things you can do to try and alleviate the discomfort as quickly as possible. Here are a few tips for treating tooth pain fast:

Drink plenty of fluids.

When your throat is dry, it can make it difficult to swallow, which can cause further discomfort from dental pain. Stay hydrated and avoid drinking cold drinks or sugary beverages that can make the pain worse. You should also avoid caffeine, which can also cause headaches and aggravate pain.

Apply ice or cold compresses to the area around the tooth that’s causing the pain.

Cold therapy can help reduce inflammation and reduce the intensity of pain. Make sure to use ice for short periods of time and gradually increase the duration of cold therapy as your symptoms improve. If you experience severe pain, seek medical attention.

Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen as needed.

Taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce the pain and inflammation caused by a toothache. Drink plenty of fluids while taking these medications, since they can dehydrate you.

Home Remedies for Tooth Pain

There are a number of home remedies for tooth pain that can help you get relief quickly. Try one or more of these tips to see if they work for you:

Apply a cold pack to your toothache area.

Place a cold, wet pack on your toothache for about 15 minutes every few hours. This can help relieve the pain and swelling.

Drink warm liquids regularly.

Drinking warm liquids will warm up your mouth, which can reduce the pain caused by toothache. Try hot chocolate, tea, or even bouillon broth.

Apply a numbing agent to the affected tooth.

Apply an over-the-counter numbing agent such as lidocaine cream or bupivacaine/naproxen cream to the area around the tooth that's causing the pain. Let the cream numb the area for about 20 minutes before rinsing off.

Over-the-Counter Treatments for Tooth Pain

There are many over-the-counter treatments for tooth pain that can be bought at any pharmacy. Some of these include ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen/acetaminophen combinations. It is important to take these medications as directed and do not exceed the recommended dosage. For people with severe tooth pain, prescription medications such as morphine may be necessary.

Surgery for Tooth Pain

Fortunately, there are many ways to treat tooth pain without having to go through surgery. One of the most common methods is the oral surgery.

Oral surgery is a type of surgery that involves removing teeth that are causing pain. It can be done with a single procedure or in several stages over time. Oral surgery is also an option for people who don't want to go through the trauma of having teeth removed surgically. 

Tooth extraction:

This is the most common type of oral surgery for tooth pain and it involves removing all of the teeth in one go. 

Tooth restoration:

This is a type of oral surgery that replaces missing teeth with prosthetic teeth.

Tooth implant:

This is a type of dental implant that replaces a tooth that has lost its root structure or has become loose.

Oral rehabilitation:

This is a type of oral surgery that helps improve chewing and speaking abilities following tooth removal or restoration.


Tooth pain can be really frustrating, especially when it’s constant and won’t go away. If you’re experiencing tooth pain that just won’t quit, here are some tips to help you stop it fast.

First and foremost, make sure that you are brushing your teeth properly every day. By brushing your teeth properly, you will remove all of the plaque buildups on your teeth that can cause toothache. Don't forget to buy water flossers too. B. Weiss water flossers use a high-pressure stream of water to remove plaque and bacteria from your teeth. They are gentle on your gums and can help relieve tooth pain. If you have trouble using traditional dental floss, try a water flosser.



The content in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider before making any changes to your health regimen. The author and publisher do not take responsibility for any consequences resulting from the information provided in this article.